Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hutt River Trail Event

 Hal f 





Hutt Valley, Wellington
Distance: 10km, 21.1km, 42.2km, 60km
Elevation Gain: the ultra (94m), 200-300m lost over the marathon course
Race Month: Janurary

Entry Fee:

Other Costs To Race:  additional cost for shuttle to the start from event head quarters (finish line)
Restricted Entry:none
How To Enter:For further entry details Click Here

Gear & Fuel:
Compulsory Gear:
carry own water for ultra
Recommended Gear:  dress appropriate to weather
Drink/Fuel Stations:water stations at  intervals on marathon, 1/2 marathon and 10km course

  • Well organised event
  • Lovely riverside course
  • Very gentle off road trails

  • Lots of non-racers (cyclists, walkers, other runners) also use the trails that the course is run on, so stay alert
  • Mostly exposed to sun (little or no shade), so gets quite warm

The Run: 

The small contingent of runners for the half marathon leg piled into the shuttle to transport us to the start line.  During the ride, my per-race nerves set in stronger than ever. The other entrants looked wildly fit and streamlined, and I had to remind myself over and over again that I was running this race against myself.

A few more runners joined us at the start line, and we stood, stretched and warmed up in the freezing morning wind, cheering the marathon and ultra marathon runners from the same event as they headed past.  Eventually we counted down to the start, and set off.  I found myself running next to another young competitor, and we started chatting, laughing that we were only just keeping pace with the race walkers.

The trail itself followed the river, which was mostly obscured by trees, and was flat with some gentle undulations.

The good company and the conversation meant that half the distance was completed before I even noticed.  The other competitors were friendly and encouraging as we passed, and I really enjoyed giving the ultra marathon runners a cheer as they powered past - heros every one.

I carried my Camelbak, and guzzled down plenty of water and a couple of GU chomps as well as a gel towards the final 5km mark. I started the race wearing three layers, but as the race progressed the weather improved, and became quite hot and humid, so I shed a couple, much to the humor of my companion, who couldn't believe I was wearing so much.

We picked up the pace with only a couple of km to go.  I was starting to fade, but my friend urged me on, refusing to let me give an inch.  I pushed harder and, feeling like I was going to puke, forced my legs to keep pumping all the way to the finish, receiving the obligatory post-race banana (delicious) and lift plus (revolting).

Monday, May 20, 2013

Wanganui 3 Bridges

The 3 Bridges Marathon in Wanganui is an annual event brought to you by the Wanganui Harrier Club. It includes a full marathon, 3/4 marathon, half marathon, 10K and 5K options.  The event follows a 10km multi lap course, with the full marathon running 4 laps, 3/4 marathon 3 laps, half marathon 2 laps and 10K 1 lap.  The race starts and finishes near the Union Boat Club on Somme Parade, Wanganui. The course takes in the Dublin Street Bridge, City Bridge and the Cobham Bridge alongside the Whanganui River.

Location: Wanganui
Distance: 5km, 10km, 21.1km, 31.6km, 41.2km
Elevation Gain: none
Terrain: Bitumen
Race Month:  December

Entry Fee:

Other Costs To Race:  none
Restricted Entry: none
How To Enter: Online, by post, on the day for further entry details Click Here

Gear & Fuel:
Compulsory Gear: none
Recommended Gear:  dress appropriate to weather
Drink/Fuel Stations: water stations at 7km intervals

  • Well organised event
  • Lovely riverside loop course

  • Sections run on foot paths next to busy traffic, lots of cars going past
  • Mostly exposed to sun (little or no shade), so gets quite warm

The Run: 
This was my first 1/2 marathon.  There were probably 200 (maybe more) runners entering the half marathon (which was the distance I ran), making this by far the biggest field I have entered so far.

Despite my prayers for refreshing rain, the sun was shining (not that I am complaining about that), and the pack soon thinned out as we wended our way along the trail.  I took the first 5 or 6km very easy, but half way through the first lap felt energetic and was magically lacking any leg pain, so I sped up for the next 6km and powered through the half way point feeling strong and fast.  The second loop of the course was, as I expected more challenging, and my knees and hips started to feel twingy. I crossed the finish line in 2 hours 26 min, a time I was really happy with, although I must have looked pretty rough, because one of the officials kept asking me if I was alright.

I really enjoyed this race, it was so fulfilling to complete the distance, and the course was lovely (it reminded me of running in Hagley park, which I really miss after leaving Christchurch).  The other competitors and spectators were supportive and encouraging.  Showers at the finishing line were an excellent idea (you didn't have to pass through them as you crossed the finish line, or anything like that, and despite the flooded floor and plethora of nude runners, they were deliciously refreshing).

The day concluded with the prize giving, with special mention and awards given to the numerous competitors who had completed 100 or more marathons.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kahuterawa Classic

A marathon conducted on and off road in the Manawatu.  Three stages over two days.  

Location: Kahuterawa, Palmerston North
Distance: 7km, 15.42km, 21.1km
Elevation Gain:
Terrain: Bitumen & off-road, well graded track
Race Month:  November

Entry Fee: 1 stage = $10, 2 stages = $15, All 3 stages = $20
Other Costs To Race:  none
Restricted Entry: none
How To Enter: Online or by post for further entry details Click Here

Gear & Fuel:
Compulsory Gear: none
Recommended Gear:  dress appropriate to weather
Drink/Fuel Stations: 1 hydration station for stage 2, 1 hydration station stage 3
(consider carrying own water/fuel)

  • Good hill climbs
  • Off road trails
  • Good views (weather obliging)

  • Stage 2 includes the more challenging hills

The Run: 
 I only ran Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Kahuterawa Classic, this was my first hill race (and if I recall correctly, the first time I had actually run on a hill).  Here is how I found it:


The starting horn sounded, we trotted of up a hill, and the pack spread out.  I passed a few runners on the first uphill stretch, (and was passed by several more), and felt pleased that I was even able to run up a hill (nearly all of my running has been on the flat).  The 7km leg, was full of lots of short quick climbs, descents, and different terrain.  Everyone was very smiling and encouraging, and I think I smiled throughout the whole race (though my running face may have translated the smile into some sort of Stewie-like grimace).  I was having a brilliant time.  On the return trip I marveled that I had run up some of the slopes that had seemed quite steep as I ran down them in the opposite direction.  The finish was down a hill (a glorious thing).

The 15.42km started in the pouring rain.  We all gathered in the farm shearing shed before the race
began, and I heard one of the seasoned runners telling a younger competitor that this leg of the Kahuterawa Classic was the most challenging of the three, "its the most scenic, definitely the hardest work, but its well worth it".  Oh joy I thought, and besides, how much of the consolatory view will be obscured in the grey of the weather?  The race started off up a different hill, with a gradual but noticeable gradient.  Well fueled for the afternoon race, my legs felt energetic and powerful.  I was soaked and the driving rain was forcing the sweat into my eyes.  Mostly my eyes were on the road, but at one point I glanced up:  I could see distant figures bouncing up the side of a small mountain, dear God, I was going to have to run up there.

I toiled upwards, lungs burning, and the up some more.  It was such hard work, but, slowly I was doing it.  I reached the summit, and let gravity do its thing, legs propelling me down the other side as my lungs stopped bleeding.  After a couple more, slightly more civilized hills, I plunged into bush and mud.  Each challenging up hill stretch, rewarded with a wonderful charge downhill.  After a few true off-road kilometers, the bush gave way to road, and a blessed drinks station.  I neatly deposited a large cup of water down my front, mostly managing to avoid my mouth.  Then followed a long stretch on tar-seal, before struggling up the final really steep uphill section.  The last 3.5km of the course followed, the return section of the 7km race.  This part of the run was brilliant because I knew how far I had to go, and the sort of terrain I had to cover, and consequently could allocate my energy, so I could put in every last effort to the finish line. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rimutaka Railway Fun Run & Walk

The Rimutaka Railway Fun Run and Walk is a fun run and walk over the old Fell Railway line between Upper Hutt and Featherston through the Rimutaka Ranges. This course is entirely off-road rising from 254m above sea level at the start, along a steady gradient to the summit at 348m (10km mark). From here it is all down hill through a series of tunnels that will be illuminated. This is a scenic and historic route that can be negotiated by any reasonably fit person.

Location: Rimutaka Railway, Wellington Region
Distance: 17km
Elevation Gain: 94m over steady 1:40 gradient
Terrain: Off-road, well graded track
Race Month:  October

Entry Fee: $30
Other Costs To Race:  $10 one off bus fee (gives access to all busses to and from race)
Restricted Entry: none
How To Enter: Online or by post for further entry details Click Here

Gear & Fuel:
Compulsory Gear: none
Recommended Gear:  warm layers/water proof jacket/hat for cold/wet weather
Drink/Fuel Stations: 2 hydration stations
(consider carrying own water/fuel)

  • Gentle incline and climb to summit
  • Tunnels
  • Views over Rimutaka Ranges 

  • Descent is steeper and more technical than ascent, but this is a very good trail and manageable terrain for all levels/abilities

The Run:
The first 5 km followed the gently-sloping ex-railway line into the Rimutaka ranges, climbing quite steadily up to the summit (about the 10km mark). This was my first ever trail race and I had been quite worried about my ability to cope with the hill work, but I really enjoyed it, the slope wasn't too steep, so it was was the perfect introduction.  After the summit we were plunged into a long rail tunnel, delightfully illuminated with bare light bulbs strung along the wall.  I know that the lighting was for practical purposes, but my tired brain found something quite magical about the prettily glowing tunnel.

Then the glorious down hill.  It was much steeper than the uphill I had previously completed, and I steamed down, enjoying the more technical foot work.  There were a couple of steep deviations up and down rocky tracks and over a couple of streams (I enjoyed these sections the best), before the track gave way to farmland for the last couple of  ks.

Course Map for Rimutaka Railway Fun Run & Walk